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halt - Variable in class org.ag.sheriffbot.SheriffBot.UserListDownloadThread
handleCommand(String) - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.InputThreadTarget
Called by InputThread when a command is read from the socket input.
handleCommand(String) - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.jDCBot
Handles all commands from InputThread all passes it to different methods.
handleCommand(String) - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.UploadHandler
hasInfo() - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.User
hasTag() - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.User
hubname - Variable in class org.ag.sheriffbot.FilelistDumpSearcher.FilelistHandler
hubname() - Method in class org.elite.jdcbot.framework.jDCBot

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